Props to Tony for pointing out this first gem. I'm not sure what went wrong here exactly, but the results are both funny and possibly very offensive. Is the man supposed to be in black face? Is someone just really bad at making sings? Did the owners actually pay money for this? I certainly would have sent it back. But I'm particular. I expect the name of my street to be spelled properly as well.

Ok, I suppose this could be considered an improvement. They got the street name right, but in the process cut off the Seniors & Kids price with the scary, well-coiffed face. If anyone is willing to give Donlands Barber Shop a call to see what the deal is with their signage situation I will give you a dollar. Was it all just a big mistake?

I don't think this one was a mistake. A giant Mary Poppins window adorning the front of your house? What kind of maniac is this? Who idolized Mary Poppins? She's a fucking nanny with an umbrella that makes her fly. Putting something like this up is crazy. Really weird and crazy. But lets give this crazy and weird person the benefit of the doubt, maybe they belong to a religion where they have to do everything their children suggest. Thats fine, but still, isn't engraving giant panes of glass like, really, really expensive? Can you imagine what the people making this thought of the request? "I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Werido, you're going to have to pay upfront."

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